Antonietta Di Giulio, Dr.
Senior Researcher, leader RG Id/Td
Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity
(RG Id/Td)
Departement of Social Sciences
Social Transitions Research Group (STR)
Postal address:
University of Basel
Rheinsprung 24
CH-4051 Basel
+41 61 207 04 12
Research interests
- Inter- and transdisciplinarity in research:
Challenges and requirements; process design in projects and project groups; quality and evaluation; methods - Inter- and transdisciplinarity in teaching:
Imparting competencies for inter- and transdisciplinary work; general propaedeutics of science (human and natural) (allgemeine Wissenschaftspropädeutik); curriculum development (higher education); quality and evaluation - Sustainability:
The concept of sustainability; the good life, quality of life (Protected Needs, Geschützte Bedürfnisse); sustainable consumption; consumption corridors
Link to Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity (RG Id/Td)
Link to Social Transitions Research Group (STR)
Professional experience
Leading a research group; initiating, acquiring and leading research projects; managing research projects and project groups; promoting young researchers; designing and organising conferences and workshops
Designing and delivering seminars and lectures at all levels of higher education (alone or team teaching; Universities Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Lüneburg, Munich and Bochum as well as PH FHNW and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art); assessing students; designing (in terms of content and methods) and supervising degree courses; establishing and maintaining offerings of further training (Universities Bern, Lüneburg, Munich, PH FHNW and on behalf of DFG, BMBF and other organisations)
Consulting institutions, organisations and projects on questions about inter- and transdisciplinarity and curriculum development; coaching of individuals and project teams
Co-leading of an interdisciplinary university institute; personnel planning and personnel management; coordinating and supervising processes concerning the running of degree courses; supervising course guidance and marketing of degree courses