Study sociology in Basel
Sociologists employ empirical-theoretical approaches to study both societies as a whole and individual segment of societies, such as institutions, organizations and groups. They inquire about the meaning and structures underlying individuals’ social actions, as well as the values and norms that guide them. Other domains of research include: social integration and disintegration, social change and social conflict, migration, gender, social networks, and so on.
As the scope of sociology is quite broad, various specialized forms of sociology have been developed that focus primarily on the individual as an actor or that examine, for example, social structures and systems starting from the collective level.
The Department of Sociology in Basel places great importance giving students a differentiated education in sociological theories and methods, which can then be applied to the specialized subdisciplines.
The BA program in sociology deals with the theory and critical-reflective analysis of all forms of society. In addition to discussing the diverse forms of social relationships, practices, processes and structures, an emphasis is placed on the question of how society is possible at all, how it functions and what problems it gives rise to. As it is practiced in Basel, sociology is characterized by the comprehensive integration of a differentiated education in theory (cultural theory, social philosophy, anthropology and political theory) with practice-oriented training in research methods. In the teaching curriculum, the focus lies on the thematic modules Politics, Development and Social Inequality and Economics, Knowledge and Culture. The individual disciplines are integrated in a systematic way through generalized courses. Particular emphasis is placed on interactive teaching, which enables students to engage in research-based learning from an early stage.
The MA program in sociology deals with the theory and critical-reflective analysis of society at an advanced level. Particular emphasis is placed on drawing close connections between an in-depth education in theory and the application-oriented teaching of social research. The Sociological Theory module focuses on the subject areas Social Theory, Power and Domination and Anthropology and Evolution, as well as interdisciplinary theorizing at the interface between sociology, social philosophy and cultural studies. Furthermore, the Inequality, Conflict, Culture module brings together the current research interests of the Department of Sociology in Basel, especially poverty and exclusion, war and violence, migration, economic practices and discourses, education, religion and other contemporary social phenomena that are of relevance for elaborating a diagnosis of our times.
Society arrives earlier than the individual.
Herbert Spencer