Dr. habil. Alexandra Hofmänner
Research associate
Private lecturer
Alexandra Hofmänner
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Fachbereich Soziologie

Research associate

Seminar für Soziologie
Petersgraben 27
4051 Basel


Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Professur Macamo


Seminar für Soziologie
Petersgraben 27
4051 Basel


Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Fachbereich Soziologie

Private lecturer

Seminar für Soziologie
Petersgraben 27
4051 Basel


Currently visiting professor at RWTH Aachen University (Website: RWTH Aachen)

In today’s controversial social and political climate, scientific facts and expertise are being challenged more and more frequently.  At the same time, science and technology have become cornerstones of our everyday lives, from the medications we take, to the modes of transport we depend on, to the cell phones we carry in our pockets.
Science and technology studies (STS) examines issues positioned at the intersection of science, technology, and society, with the ultimate goal of helping leaders in science, politics, public administration, business, and society to make informed decisions.

Educational background
Dr. habil Universität Basel
Dr. sc. nat. ETH Zürich
MSc. ETH Zürich

  • Science and Technology Policy
  • Energy Research
  • Inter- und Transdisciplinary Research
  • Globalisation of science