Project management: Prof. Dr. Oliver Nachtwey
Project management: Jacqueline Kalbermatter, Simon Schaupp, Verena Hartleitner
Project duration: 2019-2020
Funded by: UNI global union

This study addresses the shift in industrial relations in the postal and logistics sector against the backdrop of advancing digitalization in various regions of the world. The focus is on how the use of digital technologies in this sector is reflected in the strategies adopted by trade unions. The project aimed to capture the status quo as well as the different development processes in different regions, with a focus on the impact on the trade unions’ work. The study examines which digital technologies have been implemented so far, to what extent different developments in the digitalization of the sector have emerged in different regions, how these developments influence working conditions and the labor market, and what conflicts resulting from these developments the trade unions are already dealing with in their work. On the methodological level, the study was based on a survey of trade unionists in over 100 countries. This made it possible for the first time to collect data at the global level showing how trade unions are dealing with the digital transformation in the postal and logistics sector.